Oyster Mushroom Extract

ISO 22000:2005 & ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED COMPANY

Oyster Mushroom Extract

Botanical Name

Pleurotus ostreatus

Active Ingredients

1.0% alkaloids & 1.5% withanaloid

Pharmacological Action

muscle relaxation

Process Of Oyster Mushroom Extraction

Oyster mushroom is extremely delicious as well as conferring various health-giving properties and benefits. It contains Vc, and microelements such as P, K, Te, Zn, Cu, Co. Mo, and abundant amino acids, especially glutamic acid. A product containing oyster mushroom, called Tendon-easing powder, is effective in the treatment of lumbago, numbed limbs, and tendon and blood vessel discomfort.

Benefits Of Oyster Mushroom Extract

  • Improving eyesight
  • Oxidation, anti-aging, reduce the content of fat meat brain brown.
  • Antibacterial, antiphlogistic effect and promote wound healing effect.
  • The influence on immune function.
  • Anti-stress role.

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